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Original Ragtime


Ragtime appeared in sheet music in the 1890’s. It originated from African American music including dances like the Cakewalk. Over the next twenty years it evolves and developed into Rags, dances, marches, novelties and even intermezzos. The selection of famous rags on this page were all published as sheet music in the early part of the twentieth century . For example Alexander's Ragtime Band was Irving Berlin's first hit in 1911 - it has few of the features found in most rags but enjoys some mild syncopation and has become an anthem of that era. By contrast A Bag of Rags was supposedly the unofficial theme tune for the Keystone Cops. Also included are three of Rudy Wiedoeft's saxophone novelties and Odeon which is actually a Brazilian tango.
A Bag of Rags - WR McKanlass 1913 Alexander's Ragtime Band Irving Berlin 1911 Bees-Wax Rag - Harry Lincoln 1911
Billikin Rag EJ Stark 1913 Buck Due Rag- Anon (Piano-Roll) 12th Street Rag - Euday Bowman 1914 Canadian Capers - Cohen et al 1915 Carbarlick Acid Rag Clarence Wiley 1901 Carolina Shout James P Johnson 1921 Cataract Rag Robert Hampton 1914 Crimson Rambler Rag Harry Tierney 1911 Dill Pickle Rag Charles L Johnson 1910 Dogzigity Rag Billie Taylor 1910 Odeon Ernesto Nazareth 1910 Red Rose Rag Percy Wenrich 1911 Rubenola Rudy Wiedoeft 1927 Sax-O-Phun Rudy Wiedoeft 1924 Sax-O-Trix Rudy Wiedoeft 1926 The Richmond Rag May Aufderheide ‘08 The Skeleton Rag Percy Wenrich 1911


Scott Joplin: Rags, Dances and Marches Entertainments etc Most recent recordings James Scott: Rags Joseph Lamb: Rags Jelly Roll Morton: Rags, Stomps & Blues Eubie Blake: Rags & Blues


Rags Ragtime Dances Ragtime Intermezzos Ragtime Marches Ragtime Novelties The Birth of the Blues Piano Roll Ragtime Piano Roll Blues Contemporary with this music scene John Philip Sousa was composing and performing marches and dances, initially with the US Marine Band and subsequently with his own civilian band in a popular classic style.
The most recent recordings use a Gamelan & Marimba ensemble on the Rags, Dances, Intermezzos, Marches and Novelties pages.
All rights to the contents of this site are retained © 2004-2015 by Download2MP3 under UK law

Original Ragtime


Ragtime appeared in sheet music in the 1890’s.

It originated from African American music including dances like the Cakewalk. Over the next twenty years it evolves and developed into Rags, dances, marches, novelties and even intermezzos. The selection of famous rags on this page were all published as sheet music in the early part of the twentieth century . For example Alexander's Ragtime Band was Irving Berlin's first hit in 1911 - it has few of the features found in most rags but enjoys some mild syncopation and has become an anthem of that era. By contrast A Bag of Rags was supposedly the unofficial theme tune for the Keystone Cops. Also included are three of Rudy Wiedoeft's saxophone novelties and Odeon which is actually a contemporaneous Brazilian tango. A Bag of Rags - WR McKanlass 1913 Alexander's Ragtime Band Irving Berlin 1911 Bees-Wax Rag - Harry Lincoln 1911
Billikin Rag EJ Stark 1913 Buck Due Rag- Anon (Piano-Roll) 12th Street Rag - Euday Bowman 1914 Canadian Capers - Cohen et al 1915 Carbarlick Acid Rag Clarence Wiley 1901 Carolina Shout James P Johnson 1921 Cataract Rag Robert Hampton 1914 Crimson Rambler Rag Harry Tierney 1911 Dill Pickle Rag Charles L Johnson 1910 Dogzigity Rag Billie Taylor 1910 Odeon Ernesto Nazareth 1910 Red Rose Rag Percy Wenrich 1911 Rubenola Rudy Wiedoeft 1927 Sax-O-Phun Rudy Wiedoeft 1924 Sax-O-Trix Rudy Wiedoeft 1926 The Richmond Rag May Aufderheide ‘08 The Skeleton Rag Percy Wenrich 1911


Scott Joplin: Rags, Dances and Marches Entertainments etc Most recent recordings James Scott: Rags Joseph Lamb: Rags Jelly Roll Morton: Rags, Stomps & Blues Eubie Blake: Rags & Blues


Rags Ragtime Dances Ragtime Intermezzos Ragtime Marches Ragtime Novelties The Birth of the Blues Contemporary with this music scene John Philip Sousa was composing and performing marches and dances, initially with the US Marine Band and subsequently with his own civilian band in a popular classic style.